Building a STEM Future for Hawaiʻi Youth

Pitch Day 2024 was FIN-TASTIC!!!

Mahalo nui for helping us close our FishTank 2024 season. Our in-person Pitch Day event was held at UH Hilo on March 9th, 2024, where five finalist teams presented their Lightning Pitches to a live audience of over 70 participants.

Student teams and their families and friends were joined by their team coordinators, STEM professionals/SME and NexTech supporters, and volunteers to hear about their solutions to real and local problems.  

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Learn 3D Printing and CAD!

NexTech’s 3D Printer Program is a tuition-free 6-week exploration and learning opportunity for Hawaii Island students and their families. To learn more and to reserve your spot, visit our 3D Printer Program page.


NexTech Hawaiʻi Mission

UH Hilo MEGA Lab shares augmented reality app of 3D corals!

Our emphasis is STEM skills and career learning through a framework of relationships, relevance, and rigor. We offer tuition-free, project and place-based STEM learning programs for elementary, middle, and high school-aged youth. We offer year-round programs that are open to all Hawaiʻi Island families. The active return of students to our programs as participants and mentors is a sound measure of our success. Learn more.

Career Connected Learning - our secret sauce

This is a critical part of our NexTech STEM mission to inspire students toward their desired careers and build professional ties for future learning and career experiences. This approach is foundational to our programs and is especially evident in our Exploration Workshops and Career Mentoring.


STEM Exploration Workshops

Our workshops offer a closer study of STEM subjects through hands-on activities and interaction with STEM professionals.

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Career Mentoring

High school students are carefully paired with a STEM mentor. Younger students meet with mentors in small groups. Essential career skills (leadership, communication, collaboration) are emphasized, and students are offered interest assessments through tools like the Hawaii RIASEC Career Explorer.


FishTank Design Competition

FishTank is a first-of-its-kind program developed on Hawaiʻi Island and inspired by the hit TV series “Shark Tank.” It is an annual STEM engineering design competition open to 6-12 grade students on Hawaiʻi Island. Each competition focuses on a complex local issue, and teams compete for honors and awards and curated learning opportunities. FishTank participants work on authentic issues and develop new engineering mindsets. Learn more…


Coding + Robotics Camps

Our STEM Camps are multi-day events for Hawaiʻi Island youth focused on building STEM skills and guidance for future study in STEM. At our camps, learners develop computer coding skills, CAD/3D printing, drone programming/ operation, robotics, engineering design, ecological field methods, resource stewardship, and leadership skills. STEM Camps are offered multiple times a year and evolve as new project ideas and lessons are developed by our team. Learn more…


3D Printing Program

NexTech offers a 6-week 3D printing exploration and learning opportunity for Hawaii Island students and their families.

Participants are provided a loaner 3D printer, printing materials, software access, and instruction on CAD and 3D printer maintenance and use. The hands-on, in-home experience helps to create proficiency in problem-solving, CAD, and 3D printing and builds interest in technology.

Learn more.

The Success Factory - NexTech Hawaii delivers free educational programs and develops community engagement opportunities to enable STEM awareness and career readiness for Hawaii Island youth.